
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Journal 1

I really hate it when parent's don't take the concerns from their child's teachers seriously. Today, just before the assembly, Nathan had a violent seizure. He collapsed and began to foam at the mouth. I managed to stand him up and get him out of the gym before he collapsed again and vomited up more of the yellow foam. I spent several minutes trying to get him aware of his surroundings before taking him to the office and calling his mother to get her to come and pick him up. She took him home but later called to say that he was fine and that he was going to be back at school tomorrow.

She didn't even take him to the doctor and the other staff just accepted it at face value.

This is what I meant by the adults not really noticing things about these children. All of Nathan's classmates were asking about him but the teachers seemed to almost forget about him. It was unnerving to say the least.

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