
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Daily Life

I apologize if I ramble on about random things on this blog but I'm not really sure what I should focus on... Other than talking about my hobbies and nonexistent social life that is. Let's see, I play huge amounts of video games. I have both an Xbox and a PC and some of my favorites are Destiny 2, Halo, StarCraft 1 & 2, and Portal 1 & 2.

I am a horror junkie and am incredibly fond of any and all horror genres.

I read. Constantly.

I have a beautiful 14 year old yellow Labrador named Goldie who is spoiled rotten and loves every second of it.

I also have three cats.



And Rags:

I really can't think of anything else to add so... Goodbye for now I guess!

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